The American University of Paris

Pour soumettre les candidatures, uniquement les étudiants inscrits en Master 1 de Science politique de l'année en cours (2022/2023) doivent remplir le formulaire suivant avant le mercredi 14 septembre :

Dépôt de candidature


Les étudiants sélectionnés seront invités pour un entretien individuel en anglais avec Professeur Susan Perry le jeudi 22 septembre. Les étudiants retenus pourront assister à deux modules (cours intensif sur 3 jours enseigné par un intervenant professionnel extérieur) ce semestre à choisir parmi les 3 proposés et deux au semestre prochain.


PO 5002A  –  CAMBODIA WAR AND RESILIENCE – David Feingold – October 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 21.

“Cambodia: War and Resilience” will introduce students to conflict and conflict resolution in Cambodia.  In order to better understand how Cambodia was engulfed in one of the 20th century’s worst genocides, key themes will be highlighted: The Khmer Empire: Culture, Structure, and Economy; French colonialism and Cambodia’s struggle for independence; and Cambodia’s role in the Vietnam War. We will examine the meaning of the Khmer Rouge Auto-Genocide: “To Keep You is no Benefit, To Destroy You is no Loss. The module will also explore the Hard Fought Peace; Landmines: the Toxic Waste of War; the refugee crisis along the border of Thailand and Cambodia – a decades long result of the Khmer Rouge period; the fragile ecology of Cambodia’s water system that was threatened in the past, and is threatened once again today; and finally the theme of the survival of the Cambodian people and their culture.


PO 5002B  –  THE PARIS AGREEMENT AND RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY DESIGN – Craig Brown – October 4th, 7th and 8th

Since the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2016, governments around the world are obliged to implement policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to well below 2o C.  Transitioning energy systems from fossil-fuel based to renewables is a backbone of these policies.  This module introduces students to the Paris Agreement and the frameworks of international climate treaties. Students in this module will gain practical insight into global energy markets and energy data, as well as the policy tools governments implement to guide the transition of energy markets and infrastructure.   After completion of this module, students will have a comprehensive understanding of climate treaties, renewable energy markets, and energy regulatory and policy design. Student’s in this module may be offered further opportunities to continue energy-related research with leading global professional.


GR 5002 – HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMANITARIAN AID – Rebar Jaff – November 16th, 18th and 19th

This interactive graduate course is designed to familiarize students with the United Nations common system and the global sphere within which humanitarian aid is sought, advocated, negotiated, structured, hindered, prevented, and delivered during emergencies, including armed conflict and natural disasters. The course will begin with an introduction to the UN General Assembly resolution that established the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) (later renamed the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “OCHA”), followed by an overview of OCHA’s mandate and pillars. It will cover how (1) humanitarian coordination mechanisms are established, (2) humanitarian needs assessments are conducted, and (3) global and country[1]specific humanitarian response plans are formulated and executed at both headquarter and field levels. Other relevant topics will include Humanitarian Principles, the Humanitarian Programme Cycle, the Humanitarian Cluster System, multilateral coordination among the cluster lead agencies, humanitarian reporting, humanitarian access negotiation strategies, politicization of humanitarian aid, humanitarian financing, the role of the Secretary-General, the Security Council, national governments, NGOs, and civil society.